Thanks for reviewing my designs. I do really appreciate it. Here are the update versions for your consideration (#15, #16, #17, #18 & #19). Please let me know for any revision request needed.
i like the brighter colors. How about incorporating more than one color in #19 and capitalizing it all. I really like the "P". Would the 3 tier podium you had for the "i" in the other logos make this too busy if you added it?
Not a fan of the leaves. If you're a finalist thats also something id have you change on #21. Thanks for such quick changes and response to my feedback
i really like the logo. Can i see some color variations, some shadowing or light to dark in the logo; sorry dont know what the proper term is. also true nutrition with and without color surroundign it. does that make sense?
can u do some red and blue shading and lighter and darker variations of my #3 ranking. maybe red and black also if u have time. Thanks for your entries