We're really interested in seeing what more you can do with the ideas. What does a story look like? We see designers interpreting "story" as a purposeful, polished story as in a book or movie. But that's not the kind of story we mean. The kinds of stories we are talking about don't look like books or movies. They look like people talking. So we'd like to see more pictures of people.
#54 negative space in the icon is a magnifying glass to research and a symbol of a conversation to tell a story. and why use a a PIN? because here you as the host. does this make sense? Let me know what you think and i'll see what can i do.
#52 is certainly interesting, but it is not clear that the picture includes a 2. Remember that our url is www.pni2.org so it must be clear that is our address as well.
#53 and #54 are also interesting. Can you explain the image in #53 a little more to us? Then pls resubmit both, but with the 2 positioned higher as in PNI-squared.
Images at #53 is 2 rings symbol of chat, in the middle between the two rings there is a circle as the head of the "negative space" form of person. Is this explanation help?
#73 #74 #75 and #77 is the next proposals, hope you like them, please feel free to contact me for revision.
The one thing were missing from the logos so far is the element of people talking to each other, i.e. participating in sharing stories with each other. My partners and I are meeting in 8 hours to discuss the final logo. Can you make more submissions with this idea included by then?