In your new submissions, please remember that the important thing for us is people, authenticity, real stories and connecting.
Can you drop the .org from all the designs and replace it with Institute?
#20 is nice - could you try and incorporate a speech bubble aspect? #22 feels a little too square - our work is organic and 'messy' when dealing with people's stories #18 is really nice - could you resize the 2 somewhat so that it looks like PNI-squared? Not a superscript 2 but just a little smaller and raised.
We really like #28, but would like to see a few more different designs from you. You see, a speech bubble isn't a story. What does a story look like? We see the designers interpreting "story" as a purposeful, polished story as in a book or movie. But that's not the kind of story we mean. The kinds of stories we are talking about don't look like books or movies. They look like people talking. So we'd like to see more pictures of people.
We'd like to see a new submission that is a blend of #20 and #26, which means that "PNI2" from #26 will be on the left and then the the logo from #20 on the right of the words. Also, in that logo replace the '.org' with "Institute". This means the the world emblem from # 26 will be dropped in the new submission.
Here are my submissions #59, #60, #61, #62, #62.... Hopefully pleased. Please feel free to contact me for any requests. And please let me know if you need any changes on my entries. Thank you!
#65 is closer to what we want to see BUT the emblem on the left must look like the one in #20, except that in the emblem it must say "PNI Institute" and the text of the right of the emblem must say "".
Hi, Update #79, #80.... I just submit some entries based on your request, hope you love them. Let me know if you would like to see any further revisions...
The one thing were missing from the logos so far is the element of people talking to each other, i.e. participating in sharing stories with each other. My partners and I are meeting in 8 hours to discuss the final logo. Can you make more submissions with this idea included by then?
We'd like to see a revision of #72 where you get rid of the .org as well as the "2" and move the INSTITUTE base to the left. We then want you to add two figures of people, with intersecting speach bubbles to show they are talking/sharing stories. Please have look at our example here for reference: BUT this is just our rough idea ... we expect you to take the idea much further than what we've done with your own creativity and interpretation, concentrating on the people and their conversation. The person on the letters (lying) is just a suggestion. They can also stand left of the PNI. The NEED is conversation/exchange, not lounging. Get creative wiht how you show people in conversation.