Came back with a newly defined bear, ready to embrace with open arms the kid that is going to buy him. He is more than a logo, he is the heart of the company, therefore he needs to be striking and fresh. He's got volume and he is joyous, ready to adopt a human.
Thanks and let me know if you'd like any modifications!
My name is Marina and I am a graphic designer from Romania! I saw your contest now and I said I need to try my hand on it. I created Mr. Plush here, he's saying hello, he's cute and cuddly, with lovely eyes that get to your heart! I hurried a bit with its creation in order to enter the contest. It still needs some tweaks and of course, I am open to suggestions from your part!! I do hope you like him!!
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Came back with a newly defined bear, ready to embrace with open arms the kid that is going to buy him. He is more than a logo, he is the heart of the company, therefore he needs to be striking and fresh. He's got volume and he is joyous, ready to adopt a human.
Thanks and let me know if you'd like any modifications!
My name is Marina and I am a graphic designer from Romania! I saw your contest now and I said I need to try my hand on it. I created Mr. Plush here, he's saying hello, he's cute and cuddly, with lovely eyes that get to your heart! I hurried a bit with its creation in order to enter the contest. It still needs some tweaks and of course, I am open to suggestions from your part!! I do hope you like him!!