Plum LivingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Plum Living

Plum Living has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 420 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.








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Hi Max,

Thanks for your entries. Wanted to give you some feedback.

I also reviewed your work from other contests. And wanted to share the logos which I was particularly found of. As it may give you some further ideas for other submissions or for evolving your current ideas.

fresh concepts
oak bridge capital partners
envia foundation
Eric Harr social media
oceanic equipment
I.T.O real estate

Getting back to your entries. Entry#84 is good at expressing the sentiment we are going for. Would like to see some further iterations possibly and maybe some new ideas as well.

We are really hoping to end up with a logo which gives the feeling and impression of "a cool very desirable place to live, one that is stylish and catering to young professionals, in their 20s/30s"

10 years ago
Hi Max,

Thanks for the quick turn on the additional entries.

Like the concept with the tree. Couple pieces of feedback for further refinement.

1. I did a search on google for images of plum trees. And they are certainly purple, purple trunks, purple, limbs, purple leaves. They also seem to not be as dense as other trees. Maybe it might be cool to try to replicate a silhouette of a plum tree with some white space in the tree, not sure. Just an idea.
2. I have narrowed down the tree entries, to the following
Entry #88, like this version, the similar version with black ground under the tree is distracting.
Entry #90, like this layout and color choices, not sure which i prefer with regards to the tree placement to the text. On entry #90, I like the font, but wonder if the letters are a bit fat, maybe narrower letters will be better.
Entry #92 & #93 I also like. Need to think thru which layout between the three versions I like best.

Keep the new ideas and iterations coming!

10 years ago
Hi Max,

Further feedback on #92 & #93. We realized that some of the logos are giving us the feeling or impression of a farm. Hard not to with leaves, plums, and trees. We think that compared to some of your other entries ... for some reason when you lay the green lines underneath the tree and text it feels too much like you are on a farm.

10 years ago
Hi Max,

Wanted to give you a bit of feedback as we move into the top 5 phase.

First of all, really like entries you have submitted. I also have reviewed your other contest entries and very much liked your other work as well. Which gives me the confidence you will help us get to the end result we are trying for.

With that in mind ...

Entry #87 is really a great logo, for its simplicity and clean look. On this entry, would like to see some slight variations just to see if it can be further improved. I wouldn't change the tree image, but maybe you can play with different placements of the name "Plum Living" relative to the tree. And also possibly play a bit more with the font colors and idea of differentiating the word plum from the word living. And would also like to see the slogan added, either below or above. And an alternative to the slogan ... would like to see the word "apartments" added below the name. Maybe with some line before and after, ---- Apartments ----

In a completely different direction ... we like the concept of a building skyline or streetscape outline. See the post i submitted with google links of the neighborhoods our buildings are in.

We are not necessarily looking for something in the skyline that represents Los Angeles. But more of the feeling that you are on a neighborhood street, with several buildings side by side. Hard to do while keeping it simplistic and clean ... but if you have ever walked down an old street, where the houses and buildings have been there forever. Some streets just feel good. They feel inviting. There is some sort of good vibe. This happens a lot when you walk in old cities in europe for example, cause they have been there so long. Our apartments are in areas like this in various parts of los angeles. Would love for you to take a stab at this direction. The image doesnt need to be a strict literal representation, can be abstract.

Maybe something like what you have done for the following contests:

G25 Real Estate Investment group or Forward Realty Group, but with a more neighborhood feel.

10 years ago
Hi Max,

Thanks for the additional entries. I appreciate you throwing out some additional ideas. There were a few that I liked but wont work for the image we are going for. But the one that has me thinking more is entry #328. It is very different than many of the other images I have seen. It has a playful feeling that might be nice for us. Need to think on this a little more. Once I decide will rank it appropriately.

10 years ago
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