Plum LivingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Plum Living

Plum Living has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 420 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
Happy to make changes if you like; just let me know.

10 years ago
So - #133 & 129 are not right -

but #134 and 128 are very interesting. Could you possibly play around with mixing up the fonts to see how it looks. (swapping them around a bit) Also perhaps the palm tree could be a plum tree. And maybe tweak the key concept from entry #133.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. updates in #143, #144 and #145. I can continue to tweak the fonts if you give me a better idea what you are looking for. I was looking for casual, yet fun and elegant.

10 years ago
Hey - Thanks #143 is really nice - In regards to additional styles or fonts - I like the font used for "plum" in #128 & #133.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks, I updated to this font in #146
10 years ago
You read our minds on the use of grey. ;-) Thanks.

as far as the tree image goes ... we like the updated tree but wonder if it can remain in silhouette but look more like a typical mature plum tree. Below is a link to one image in particular that stood out to me when I searched plum tree images on google.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
updates in #151 and #152
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#208 is something totally different. Hope you can see script lettermark P and L which make up the top of the tree. Gives an elegant look.

10 years ago
Hi Kyro6

I dont see entry #208. I must have overlooked or missed it somehow. Is it possible to repost it?

10 years ago
Hi Kyro6,

Wanted to give you a bit of feedback as we move into the top 5 phase.

First of all, really like entries you have submitted and how easy it has been to exchange feedback. I also have reviewed your other contest entries and very much liked your other work as well. Which gives me the confidence you will help us get to the end result we are trying for.

With that in mind ...

We really like the font for entry #146. This is why you got the first place ranking. We also like the box idea in #146 and in #154. However with this design direction we are not in love with the tree silhoutte. Some of the other entries have had a better look for what we think a plum tree typically looks like. I might be too anal on this point. But regardless here is a link to what I think a typical plum tree looks like.

In a completely different direction ... we like the concept of a building skyline or streetscape outline. See the post i submitted with google links of the neighborhoods our buildings are in. Your entry #162 touches on this direction, which is why we ranked it. And I noticed yesterday another logo you did which kind of goes in a similar direction as well. Link below

We are necessarily looking for something in the skyline that represents Los Angeles. But more of the feeling that you are on a neighborhood street, with several buildings side by side. Hard to do while keeping it simplistic and clean ... but if you have ever walked down an old street, where the houses and buildings have been there forever. Some streets just feel good. They feel inviting. There is some sort of good vibe. This happens a lot when you walk in old cities in europe for example, cause they have been there so long. Our apartments are in areas like this in various parts of los angeles. Would love for you to take a stab at this direction.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jake,

Thanks for the great feedback. I will try some other examples and I agree that I need to re-work the silhouette of the plum tree. So I take it that you would like more of a real plum tree than an abstract such as in #146?

You had eliminated #208 so I don't think that's what you are looking for.

Just so you know #146 was featuring two abstract buildings/skyscrapers but I tried to make it more laid back and fun. I am away from my computer a good portion of the weekend because I am with my wife and kids but I will try to see if I can come up with ideas for you as soon as I can.

Thanks for your patience and I hope I can come up with a winner for you.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
what do you think of #307?
10 years ago
Hi Kyro,

More feedback, sorry for the delay.

regarding the use of the plum tree. The tree in #154 is more consistent with what we are looking for. Would like to see #146 updated with that look for a tree. The three in #151, #307, and #162 has more of upward branches, kind of forming a v shape. This is more a young plum tree, in early growth stage I think, and prefer the look of the tree which is more mature, like the link I sent you in previous feedback. #154 is pretty close.

Regarding #146, never realized that was meant to be two abstract buildings. Now that you mention it, it draws me back to that design even more. Comparing to #307, which is nice work, now that I see it, I think it might be too literal. The street lamp, and the curb, etc ... make it too literal, but it clearly gives the sense of being on a street, which is what I asked for. Thanks for making the effort, by the way! For #146, I wonder how the design will look if you try to expand on the idea, by adding 1 or more additional abstract buildings, maybe with slight differences in shape, and shade or color to differentiate them. Could you play with this and see if anything good comes from it? And also with #307, I wonder if it is possible to go a bit more abstract, and simplified. Maybe even remove the plum tree, the street lamp, and try to abstract the buildings a bit more, and maybe try to add a building or two. Not sure if there even needs to be windows and doors.

Appreciate your thoughts as well.


10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for more direction. What do you think of #313?

I will also try to come up with a variation on #307 but probably won't be able to get to that till this afternoon.

Thanks again for your patience.
10 years ago
Hi Kyro,

No worries. Thanks for the quick turn. #313 is interesting. Maybe try it without the tree altogether, without the green line under the buildings, and try adding 1 or more additional buildings, maybe one shape which has traditional house roof line (triangle top). Might even try it with all or part of the name in foreground of the building shapes. Not sure if this goes too far. Curious what you think?

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#314 and #315. i am also planning to rework #307 but havent had a chance yet.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#321, #326 and #327.

Look forward to your feedback...
10 years ago
Hi Kyro,

Thanks for the additional entries. Wasnt able to keep up with you today. ;-)

Entry #327, really nice idea. But I fear that it kind of looks like someone did Graffiti on the wall. Graffiti on the wall of an apartment building doesnt send the right message. ;-(

Entry #315, I like that the tree and the line below the buildings is removed. Thanks. The traditional house shape is good, but maybe it could be even further simplified, with no eaves on the roof. I also wonder if it would be in improvement to remove some or all of the windows and doors in the buildings. This might get us back to the simplicity you have in entry #314, but still convey the sense of a neighborhood. What do you think? Looking at Entry #326, I do like the sidewalk effect over #315. So maybe if you think removing the windows/doors and simplifying the shape of the traditional house makes sense, you can update this Entry with those changes, and Maybe even throw another building shape to the left right of the ones that are already there. Not sure. I also have decided that I prefer the font treatment in #326 over the font treatment in #315 or #314. It's just has a cleaner look in #326.

Entry #314, like the change in the tree. I hate to say it, since you have put time into these other concepts ... but this is still my favorite of yours. Just trying to get more of a neighborhood feel, but maybe I just need to accept that its not possible to get all this in a design, while still maintaining a minimal/abstract approach, to avoid the design getting too busy.

Entry #321, I like the changes, but the buildings need to be of different elevations and shapes to make it more dynamic. Which I think is going to be too hard to pull off in such a small space. Unless you think you can pull it off, I would abandon this design. Sorry. I was really optimistic about this one, but not sure it will work out.

I think that covers it.


10 years ago
Logo Designer
Looks like I am out of the Top 5 now so I cannot submit any changes. I am not sure if any of my designs have a chance at winning or not but if you want to consider any of them and they have a chance just let me know and move me into the Top 5 and I can make any changes.

10 years ago
Hi Kyro,

I needed to step away from the designs for several hours to clear my mind and focus on what I thought the real ranking is. I have now adjusted. You are back in the top five. Would like to see any further changes based on the feedback provided.

Basically what I have done is ranked your top design, and then move back all your design concepts that I liked back into the ranking, so it was very transparent which designs I thought had some match to the intended objective. I hope this is helpful in some way.

Let me know if you have any questions.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks. My latest update is #358. I think the part I am struggling with the most is trying to understand whether you are looking for something funky and hip or more elegant and upscale. I am trying to balance the two but it is a challenge and it is hard to gauge what you like and are looking for because the rankings are changing so often. Any other specific direction or anything else I can do is greatly appreciated. I hope I can get you what you are looking for.

10 years ago
I hear you. The struggle is mutual. We want something that says upscale, nicer finishes, quality, both in service and in our buildings and locations, but we want to blend/balance this with being hip and a bit funky/edgy. Maybe this isnt possible. Open to suggestions and thoughts.

I like #358, let me compare to the others and adjust. Will follow up shortly.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I tried to balance funky/hip in the icon with a little more conservative/elegant font...
10 years ago
What do you think about matching up the font from entry #134 with the image from entry #358? The font from #134 seems more upscale to me.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
i like it a lot. please see #359
10 years ago
Hi Kyro

#359 is a good balance. It's now ranked. Will update the overall ranking later today so we can wrap this up.

I dont have any further ideas to evolve things. Appreciate you taking the time.

Thanks for working with me.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I really like the way #361 came out with the adjusted font. I like the balance of colors and also hip, stylish, simple, clean and still elegant. Of course, I am a tad biased ;)

If I think of any more changes I will submit them. Thanks
10 years ago
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