Thanks for all your entries. Unfortunately none of the entries are giving us the right feel. Entry #73 and #72 give me more of a building construction feeling. There is some interest in the font and styling you used for entries #70 & #68, would be interested to see you play with this further. But not interested in the image concepts for the plum though.
I recommend focusing "a cool very desirable place to live, one that is stylish and catering to young professionals, in their 20s/30s".
I reviewed some of your other contest winning logos, and really like your work. Would love to see more submissions from you.
Entry #166 is nice. Thanks for incorporating our feedback. Would like to see this iterated further. Maybe make living a different color. Not sure which colors would be good. Orange or turqiose blue. Also look at the long post I did for the everyone. Might give some other ideas.
Thanks for the new entries. Interesting ideas but they are going in the wrong direction. Wanted to give you a bit of feedback as we move into the top 5 phase.
First of all, really like entries you have submitted and how easy it has been to exchange feedback. I also have reviewed your other contest entries and very much liked your other work as well. Which gives me the confidence you will help us get to the end result we are trying for.
With that in mind ...
Entry #220 is really a great logo, for its simplicity and clean look. On this entry, would like to see some slight variations just to see if it can be further improved. The things I wouldnt change. The font, coloring and size of the letters are perfect, I wouldnt change them. But maybe you can play with different placements relative to the tree. And would also like to see the slogan added, either below or above. And an alternative to the slogan ... would like to see the word "apartments" added below the name. Maybe with some line before and after, ---- Apartments ----
In a completely different direction ... we like the concept of a building skyline or streetscape outline. See the post i submitted with google links of the neighborhoods our buildings are in.
We are not necessarily looking for something in the skyline that represents Los Angeles. But more of the feeling that you are on a neighborhood street, with several buildings side by side. Hard to do while keeping it simplistic and clean ... but if you have ever walked down an old street, where the houses and buildings have been there forever. Some streets just feel good. They feel inviting. There is some sort of good vibe. This happens a lot when you walk in old cities in europe for example, cause they have been there so long. Our apartments are in areas like this in various parts of los angeles. Would love for you to take a stab at this direction. The image doesnt need to be a strict literal representation, can be abstract.
I have a new design concept, if you want to see, please re-arranged my entry #220 from rank 1 to 5, so I can upload my design. The contest is in top 5 mode and during top 5, only top 5 designers can submit new concepts or revised design.
Thinking about entry #335. I prefer it with the ring removed from the image. Thanks! Also wonder if it would look cleaner if the section of orange with the skyline of tall buildings was white instead of orange. So the sky is purple, and the triangle house shape at the bottom is orange, but the center section is white. What do you think? Would you mind making this change?
Thanks for entry #343. It's not exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking that the middle section which is orange with the tall buildings would be all white. While the sky remains purple, And the bottom triangle house section remains orange. Could you give this a try?