Entry 1 is stronger than Entry 2 because it has the plum background in the circle. I'm not sure yet where I prefer the words. Right now I'm leaning towards the curved words in entry 1. The actual garlic itself doesn't look right -- either needs to become more stylized or more real. Roots are OK but the shoots look like they are coming from a diseased bulb and the lines on the bulb and the 'top' don't look right. Color is great and fonts are nice -- thanks for submitting these.
thank you so much for your feedback! here is a happier, healthier, more vibrant garlic to represent your excellent company. Garlic is definitely MY favorite spice in the kitchen.
I like the bulb itself and the roots better -- a nice improvement, thanks. We're still not sure about the green shoots - it might be their length, perhaps the garlic should just just be sprouting, but I'm not sure. My wife misses the two little ones in the background. Thanks again.
We like the length of the green shoots. The roots are perhaps a little long in entry 5. The garlic fantasy (6) is growing on us. We like the shape a lot. Perhaps the two little clouds need to go away -- not sure. It's not quite right but very interesting and worth continuing to develop. In entry 5 I'm not sure the background lines in the plum coloring add anything. Thanks!
this one is growing on me as well... because i see the background as not only a cloud, but a cloud of the wonderful and unmistakable 'fragrance' of garlic...
Unfortunately, with entries 4, 5 & 9, I think we have to remove the roots and/or change the shading of the garlic. A friend said she saw a large nose, two eyes and a mustache and now that's all I can see. We still think entry 8 is very nice and would work well for the web site and the brochures. We're not as sure it would 'shrink' well for a label (only 1 1/4 x 1 inches). Thanks!
thanks for the feedback... unfortunately, once you planted that thought in my mind that was all I could see as well... so I changed it, removed the roots, kept from that particular arrangement... this are strong and simple and would work quite well for a label that size. Let me know what you think...
We like how you have revised the garlic -- it looks good on all of the new entries. We're not as fond of 13 and 14. And we're having trouble deciding on our preferences among the others. I like how 15 'pops'. 16 and 17 are obviously similar and which one is better would probably depend on where we were using it.
Entry 20 -- we like how you moved Plum Creek above the garlic and focused more strongly on the brand name. The wavy lines at the bottom seem a little busy to us but we also like the idea of bringing in a 'creek' -- that would make the brand even stronger. We like the muted green and how it goes with the design. Thanks for this revision, it's an interesting direction.
It is a lovely creek! Can you take entry #29 and turn the brownish oval into the light plum as in entry #26? And maybe move the GARLIC letters a little closer? I know you are trying to balance it with the oval but it they seem too far apart. Alternatively, maybe Plum Creek needs to be just a little larger to balance the word garlic a little better. We like the darker/bolder outline and lettering in #29 and want to see if it works with the plum oval. Thanks--
#30 -- The wording looks great, thanks! Maybe it's our monitor, but the plum background in the oval on 30 is quite a bit darker than the plum background on #26. I'd like #30 to 'pop' as #29 does -- the circle outline, the creek and the Plum Creek words on #29 really stick out in a good way. Maybe the two-color contrast in the oval is necessary to make the boundary and creek pop (and the Plum Creek Words) but I was hoping the lighter plum would cause the edge and creek to show up more. Hope this make sense -- thanks again.
Did you have an entry #38? There's a spot for #38 (from you) but no logo or anything. I've emailed the masters of the web site. Thanks for #39 -- it really looks nice.
Hello dotwoman -- thanks for continuing to try options. We want the name Plum Creek and the non-garlic portion of the logo to stand out and pop more than the garlic itself. So #55 works better than #54 and #48 is still the best. We like how you've made the creek an outline but depending on what happens with the garlic bulb having the creek filled in might still be the best. I don't know if this can be done but perhaps the garlic has to go in the background somehow or not be emphasized quite as much. Maybe Plum Creek and the swoosh come foreword but the creek stays under the garlic. Does that make any sense? Or maybe the garlic itself gets just a little smaller to make the words, the creek and the swoosh bolder. The words, the swoosh, and the creek are really my favorites -- I'm trying to get them more front and center and still have the garlic somewhere but not quite as dominant. Thank you so much for continuing to develop options, much appreciated -- I'm unfortunately not going to be at my computer from 1:30 PM until 10PM Central time so please don't take lack of feedback as not interested.
Hello again, With respect to #65 -- There's a lot to like about this choice, thanks! Some things to try, we like the font and also like the cursive font you were using earlier (e.g. #52) but don't know if you can 'bold it up' enough to pop like the font in 65. I might play a little with the end of the creek to make it less 'snaky' but I would not go all the way back to the earlier broad designs. It looks pretty good now. And maybe a little more space between the garlic and the word garlic -- not a lot if that doesn't mess up the overall symetry. The garlic bulb is almost right, I'm still thinking about it. Maybe a little more green color on the shoots (not bigger shoots) if possible. And maybe with what's going on with the plum color elsewhere, the garlic should not be outlined at all or perhaps in a brownish instead of purple -- but I'm not sure. For me, this logo evokes an image of the earth's horizon with the plum creek coming out of it -- quite literally an 'earthy' design and very beautiful.
I believe that this new arrangement allows the beautiful plum creek to meander from the earth's horizon without interruption, but keeping the balance ...