hi thanks for your comment and rank my designs among the top 5 designers... the only ones allowed to send varitions during the "Top 5" period I sent some update of the logo, but please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see
hi thanks again for your feedback :) I sent some updates trying to follow your instructions please don't mind to ask for any other change, will be a pleasure to make it
thanks to rank my designs so high and for your feedback during the contest please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see
but remember that to be allowed to send any variation I need to be ranked first.... during the "judging period" just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations.... and during that period you can switch the designer ranked first anytime to ask for variations
#141 looks good- could you put a little more space between the letters?
also- could we try #148 looks balloon-like - which is fun- can you run with the idea of it being a balloon? is it lifting the letters somehow? tied on?
hi thanks for your feedback I'll prepare the modifications and I'll send asap... but I'm out of the office for two hours right now after I'll send the updates... maximum 3 hours
thanks to rank my designs so high please don't mind to ask about any change that you wanted to see
but remember that to be allowed to send any variation I need to be ranked first.... during the "judging period" just the designer ranked first is allowed to send variations.... and during that period you can switch the designer ranked first anytime to ask for variations