Hi there, So there has been heated discussions between my partners and myself over the last few days. We do really LOVE your logo design, but may we ask for some minor tweaks? (1) One partner has voiced the concern that the logo isn't as strong or masculine as some others .... now, we wouldn't want to touch the typewritten "play house" (which is PERFECT!), but we were wondering whether you might propose some SLIGHTLY different takes on the button .... we know that there isn't a lot of room to maneuver, and aren't even sure how one would make it look stronger, but might you play with - for example - the width of the ring around the ">"? (Maybe it is just my imagination, but I do think the button pops more strongly, beautifully on the black background .... while, on documents, we would commonly use a white background, that is great news since the background will be commonly black on film.) (2) Could you maybe play a little bit with color -- just on the button??? We were discussing, whether there couldn't be a red vs. green button symbolic meaning (i.e., "in development" vs "shooting"). Does that make sense??? THANK YOU so very much. Barbara
another slightly different treatment of the button. If you decide on this button treatment, I can give you samples of the other colors you want to see.
i decided I liked the treatment of the button I just uploaded, so am going ahead and give the different treatments now, and withdrew the other I previously uploaded last night.