Hi Dennis, Thanks for the quick turn around.. I like #12 -> #13 -> #10 -> #11 with 12 being the best. The reason for not preferring 10 & 11 is that the picture looks more like that suited for a health center (because of the single person with seems to be emphasizing a curvy body.) I like the multiple people logo which indicates a community. Would like to remove the restrictions on the color. Please feel free to use any color that you deem fit. Also if you could try to make them more web2.0ish. I love the skype logo. I am not necessarily crazy on it having a picture... it may be purely a word mark or an abstract picture. Thank you so much for your efforts and I look forward to seeing some more of your good work. Keep it up.
Hi Dennis, Loved #79. But now it being just text, it tends to loose some of the playfulness of the word. Could we add is some thing to make this a little more lively. It maybe a picture to go along with it or maybe not. It could just be some small abstract elements that would liven up the logo. (See spotify logo. The three ))) on top of the o, Also the the way the o is lifted up gives it a lively feel.) Also the dot in the ".ly" needs to be more pronounced. Please let me know incase you have any more questions. Nikhil
Another suggestion with #79 would be to remove the reflective shine and make the colors itself a little more bright. Just summarizing 1) Either a small abstract picture or brush strokes to liven up the picture. 2) Either a slight change in the placement of letters. (See the lifted up 'o' in spotify) 3) More emphasis on ".ly" extension 4) removing the shine 5) making the individual colors slightly bright.
The new designs #103 #105 are awesome. Thanks for the great job. Since there is some time, was wondering if we could experiment a little more. If you could change the orientations of the boxes, just to create some more variations. Also could we try making the boxes 3 dimensional. Not sure how that would look but you can derive inspiration from zoho.com for that. On similar lines we could even try putting each letter in its own box.
putting each letter in a different box will make the logo a bit longer and cluttered, its good with where we have less letters in a word.. i have done here with three 3D boxes dividing the word in three parts
Also I had a question. hopefully you will be able to answer it. 1) Do I have to have the final ranking the moment the contest closes. or can I change the rank after the contest closes. 2) Do I get the rights for only the 1st ranked logo..or 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked logos or all the logos that are submitted. 3) Is it possible that I can purchase more than one logo?
Dennis, One last request. Could you try the rank 1 with a square but more uniform font. ie. the P should be of uniform thickness. or something on the lines of #87.
Also one with a more roundish fonts on the lines of #109. Thanks Nikhil