The characters are pretty spot on of what we're looking for! I like the skin tone and hair color of #2. Pose of #3 is great but need to change the hair color and skin tone to the same of #2. We also need to add in the text and smart board to the logo. Great start!
I like the layout. Couple small changes. The word smart has to be the SMART Logo. Not interested in the text being a variety of colors. The boy on the right should be the same color skin and hair as the other kids. Last is everyone here wears slippers.
can we remove the blue and red square on the corners of the words. It looks like tape which is not what the smart board is about. Also, can we replace some of the words with images? Simple illustrations like a sun, cloud, water, rain, etc... next to each word to show the water cycle. I think that's the intent of your initial design. I like it. Maybe something like:
last suggestion. we live on an island. can we have the image updated with coconut/palm trees, mountains, beach, sun, clouds, stream that runs into an ocean with a canoe, etc... Something cute like image below but less detailed. very simple and clean drawing. no need for people, huts, etc... Just the basic landscape.