Thank you for the feedback.. Please check the new entries #109 - # 114 , a couple of different fonts as you suggested.. Let me know if there is anything else!
hi E, I like #114 lets also see this in my font...check out my website for an idea tx u so much.. it is clear-clean-simple and powerful P
i hv an idea...on #105 reverse the sizing of the letter s so the PLANT TREES 4 LIFE (obviously not as big as PT4L) stands out and put the PT4L under the words balanced and keep the tree exactly the same...i like where this may go tx u! P
Hi P, I have made the changes, but unfortunately I can not submit anymore entries during Judging Mode. Would you please temporarily rank my design as #1 so I can submit the changes?
hi E please make #132 reverse in what stands out make the Plant Trees 4 Life bolder and the PT4L not stand out as much just reverse maybe a couple diff options and fonts/ tx P
Thank you so much for giving the chance to submit more entries.. Please check #143 - #150 . I hope you like them and please do not hesitate to ask for more changes/entries..
hi also can we see on #143 to make the PT4L smaller also lets see the the trees as you have positioned on #114 Also lets see just one #4 make it really big and than PT L and the 4 will fall in between... thank you SO much! hope this makes sense... P
HI E 160 looks good now lets see what it looks like if you shift the PT4L over and remove the 4 from PT4L and USE the bugger 4 already existing (it shud be bug enuff for both lines so Plant Trees 4 Life PT L
understand? thanks... cant wait till ths is over P
I hope you can get the changes in before the contest is over.. please note there are 2 hours left...and i a really looking forward to this change.. thanks you for your efforts P
Thank you Evan, I was overruled by my partner... though down the road with hopes we could come back to you thank you for ALL YOUR EFFORTS...i wished it was you! P