Pamela the owner of Plant Trees 4 Life has a good vibe about you :) #8 let's try 2 hands facing up and make the tree a bit more defined. Love the hand idea, planting, giving and nurture all in that thought!! Thanks, Casey
I am liking the new posts a lot...lets Also see if you can make a design out of PT4L--those are the initals for Plant Trees 4 Life..and maybe a combo of some sort thank you for your efforts Pamela
i am liking #42...lets make the words darker so it stands out... we are getting somewhere. on the other 2 i am not a big fan of the tree....maybe you have a diff image... i like where you are going.. tx U Pamela
Ive made something really special for this - #44 something that looks like a gift. This image also pertains to a tree in different season thus it talks about something that lasts "for life". There's also a monochromatic version - #43. I hope you like this Ms P.
I do like 43 and 44...this is getting interesting... i would like to see the 2 habds involved going up... if you have face book look at my fan page to see the picture i have already for logo Plant Trees 4 Life Thank you! P
134 & 128 lets make the words PLANT TREES 4 LIFE stand out more and instead of the leafs looking like a bush lets make it look like a tree...look at the other top designs where they have a trree coming out of the letter- this is the last leg of this..sooooooooo here we go! tx P