Thanks for your submissions, which we happen to like. We would appreciate if you could re-submit taking into account some of the following comments.
Could you please work with the following edits for #47: 1. "PIVOT" in the main line - the way you already have it shown, but with the V in a different color scheme - the same color in which you have Investment Partners (silver or grey) - so this way, there would be only 2 colors - the dominant Blue and the secondary color of Silver/Grey/whichever color you have used for "Investment Partners". 2. Add "LLC" to "Investment Partners" in the secondary line, so that it reads as "Investment Partners LLC"
Thanks for a great feedback and rating. I will do some revision soon. but unfortunately, on the judging mode, only first ranked designer will be able to submit the design entries.
Btw, are you indonesian? i am very familiar with akbar, many people in indonesia use akbar as a name, hehehe.