Thanks for your entries, I viewed your portoflio and really like two of your winning entries: Red Top Roofing and the Angie Houtz Memorial Fund.
Let's stay with the blue logo. Can you change the logo to use the Blue Pipe which looks like a "P" to be the first letter of Pipefitters. Can you also send additional designs.
As I mention in the contest brief, we are currently having our website redesigned and we have instructed our web design company that we like the site
Entry 25 and entry 26: is there anyway that you could change the symbol around to be a "C" and "P" type of a look so that it infers Chicago Pipefitter?
To all of our designers, we will be picking one winning logo, but we will want to get additional designs because we are fond of quite a few. There is an 1.5 hours left, please continue to submit designs.