For #132, can you try this one but instead of the stand on the bottom, make the rectangle with "pink" in it just like that with the word "displays" below it. So basically its almost the same just without the bottom part. Can you also try to reverse the pink and green colors? Please show me both color combinations and maybe a few different shades of pink and green.
Thank you for re-posting those. Can you try it with the word "displays" under the box that says "pink"? (#168) Can you also try it reversing the colors pink and blue so that the blue is in the smaller area and pink is in the larger area? Thanks!
thank you for the opportunity that you provided, here I propose four entry revision. basic concept remains the same ... enable and disable, play and display. if the play button leads to the right, I think the display would lead to the left. : D I hope you like it.