Hi, Thanks for the feedback, Entries #23, #24 - bigger tree, made the "Apartments" slightly bigger, less space between the letters. Entries #25, #27, #28 - options with sans serif fonts.
Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to try :)
Hi, may I see design #20 with one slash but green/white tree and black lettering as shown in design #24. Also in design #24, is it possible to make APARTMENTS
Please disregard message at 3:37 p.m. Dear seindesign: May I see Design #20 with 1 slash, green and white tree, and black text as in Design #24? In Design #24 is it possible to make the word APARTMENTS slightly bolder, and another design with the text that is the full width of the design and slightly bolder? I like the text style in Design #24. Much thanks for your efforts!
Hi, Entry #41 - green white tree, text like #24 Entry #42 - Apartments slightly bolder Entry #43 - Apartments same with as the design and slightly bolder
Please let me know if there is anything else you have in mind Thanks :)