Jeruk, thank you for entering this contest. You are very talented. At first I didn't like #34, but as I looked at it I realized you captured the two main "P's" of Pillar Property Services, a pillar, and a building, three elements I like. But since it took me a while to see that I'm afraid it might be "lost" on others too. In #32 the graphic seems too out by itself. Can you play with that design and see if you can incorproate the graphic more into the text? Thanks.
Thanks for the revisions, Jeruk. That helped me see what I liked and didn't about your orioginal submissions. Of the ones wiht the theme like in #34, I think I like the darker fonts and the "swoop" going up. So, could you combine #34 and #48? That might look really good. On the new themes, (#49 and #50) I am not a fan of haing one letter of one word run into another letter of another word. Creates confusion when verbalized I find. I know it's Pillar Property but someone new might think it's Pilla Poperty. :) Thanks for your work, Jeruk.
Yes, #65 seems to be more what I was looking for and I will proabably have higher when I rerank. Not crazy abuut #71 - maybe too much to it? Thanks, Jeruk.
Ah, I like the 77-79 group a lot, and of this the #79. I'll probably have this rated your highest whne I rerank shortly. I couldn't tell what the design is in the "E" on #80. Thanks for your hard work, Jeruk.
Hi, Jeruk. Thanks for all the thought you've given to the different designs - I appreciate it. Of the four new ones, I like #85 the best and will probably rank this the highest when I rerank laer today.