Memmooi, this really grew on my. I like it a lot. THought I didn't like the font but I think I do. Still, jsut for fun, can you try another font? Let's see what it might look like. Thank you.
Memmoi, I am not sure how each variation differs from each other. I can tell they all are different from your first submssion but I can't ell how each other are different from each other. I'll slot #35 in and hold the rest. Thanks for the revision. - I like the font for this
Hi Paul, Sorry for making you confused. Each entry has a very small difference. The most striking thing is the piece on "P" and some variation in size and composition of the font on the "Property Services, LLC".
Thanks for the explanation. My untrained eyes can't really pick out much difference - I'll look harder at these. I certainly can see the difference in entry #51 - not sure a taller pillar looks better but I appreciate seeing that now. One thing I'd like to see- can you combine the pillar in #14 with the font in #35? Thanks, memmooi!
Ah, yes, I do see. And now that I've had more time to see these I think I can tell the differences. I like #57 the best of the new entries. I'l probably add that to the mix of the top ones. These are all really good, Memmooi. Thanks.
Group feedback to me has put your orignal design (#14) as the best of yours. The comments I got is that this font is the most consistent with graphic and makes for a very modern, clean look so I ma going to put that one back at #2. Thanks for all the variations.