Hi! Thank you for submitting your logo. I really like the look and feel. Here is some feedback:
- I'd like to see it without the grayish background - I actually really like the redish/pink color more than I thought I would, but would also like to see some more pink colors, rather than the red tint. - While this totally makes me laugh (a good thing!), I want to stay away from any reference to a dead pig (his tongue makes it feel just a bit like that at 1st glance) - I really like how you stacked the pig and the text - Can you take out the tag line?
Thank you! Looking forward to seeing changes. Cierra
Thanks for making the changes. #21 is definitely closer to what I'm looking for. Can you try and make the pig look a little more happy-go-lucky. Taking out the tongue helped, but he still looks upset. Maybe consider making him smiling. ? Just throwing out ideas that might get us there.