I like these a lot. Not sure about the pig. Can you take the pig out on the one that the pig is on top? Can you change the pig in the other one? If I use a pig, I don't want it to be a cute pig. These are good.
I'll take a look at a different pig and see what I come up with. May be better without it.
As for t-shirt printing, a printer should be able to change the color easily, but may charge a fee for it. I would also consider a simplified logo. Multiple color printing can get a bit pricy depending on how you're printing. If you're silkscreening, simple, solid colors generally work best.
I'll work up a version that's less complex as well.
That would be good. We're not crazy about the pig thing. We bought the established bar and didn't want to change the name. If we found the right pig it might be ok otherwise we would prob go without the pig. Thanks
We like 15. Can you add Angola, In and maybe change the color of the pig?? How would a gray look? I like the red and black. I know I'm being picky on the pigs, but are there any others, not sure about the tooth. we still like 11 thanks
Sure. I'll add the location and take a look at the color and tooth as well. I think without the tooth it'll be a bit more friendly/ornery, not as mean and menacing.
Overall, I like the pig on #27 best in terms of style and expression. As for it's color, I'll go back to the more natural colors like in #13. I may also try a more brown or fleshy color palette.
I'm not sure about the ears on the pig kind of looks like a dog??? I like the one that is in the Oval enclosed if we choose your design can we contact you directly on other projects T shirt layouts, hat layouts, letter head?
yeh, i kinda thought the same thing about the ears. I'll try another option. I think they can be flopped over, but might need to be a bit more pointy. I think that'll make it more pig like and less like a dog and still be less devilish as well.
As for contacting me, certainly. If chosen I'd be happy to assist with other projects. I actually already have a t-shirt shop online of various designs.
We all like this one but is that the best pig you've got?? Sorry I keep bugging you about the pig. Everything else about this design works. Thanks No beer with the pig
I've been trying to stay away from having it look too cartoony based on your earlier feedback. What exactly is bothering you about the pig? Style? Color? Attitude? Let me know and I can try and take a stab at something different.
I went back to more pointy ears. They seem necessary to make it more "pig-like." Pointed them out to stick up less and not look as devilish. Let me know what you think.
Can you give us one with a smiling pig?? We like the new pigs ears. What about putting the ears on top of his head?? What about different eyes. I think we're going with yours. It has everything we want. One guy likes this pig like it is. Just one more pig change!! Thanks