Thanks for your entries, we really like your ideas so far. Our web designer likes entre #48 he says "Horizontal logos are always much better for websites as it means the header is smaller and therefore the content appears higher up the page."
Yes Darrel, he is right, it´s best for web. But the best layout for most other situations is squared layouts. They fit better in ads, letterheads, promos, sponsors, etc. That´s why most of the big brands always have different layout versions for the same logo, for different media. I´ll upload variations in layouts so you see how they look. You can always ask for these layout variations to the contest winner, as well as Black version (for fax or one color publications).
yes. once you mark project as complete the winner will upload the final files to LT. LT requires 1 EPS and 1JPG file. But you can ask the winner to send you all other versions you need (like black and white, greyscale, plain colors or different layouts for the winning entry). Once the final files are uploaded CH mark project as complete and ALL the rights belong ot you.
only 6 hours left. Off to bed (almost 4:30 AM and still working. This site is so addictive!).
I´ll probably be offline when contest ends. Just wanted to thank you for a great contest. I see I´ve "inspired" other designers with my concepts (rollers, skates and similar style), but that´s the way it is here. Many people think it´s ok to use the brainstorming time invested by others and apply it to thier own entry. Same with ideas and concepts. Even font choices! haha. Kindda sick of that attitude :(
I wish all entries and comments were blind to others so only CHs could see the original work designers produce instead of just waiting to see what Chs rank in top positions to take the idea and just use it.
If you need something else from me, changes, modifications, anything, I´ll be here.
Thanks again, I really enjoyed it and hope you did too!. Good Luck!