Hi, a pleasure to greet you, and is happy to be participating in your contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for your logo #37 #38 Hope you like.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
Thank you for your designs. I really like your Entry #44 and its currently my favourite. Do you have a slightly different shaped hand you can use? Your hand is obviously picking something up which is perfect but for some reason when I look at it it makes me thinking of someone making a cup of tea, or planting a seed.
Thanks for the hand change. I'm undecided between #67 and #69 but both are better. I think I'm leaning towards #67. I think the filled hand looks better than the no-fill and plain looks better than with diamond shape in background. Just for my own curiosity, what would #67 look like if the circle segment closest to the fingers was actually in the fingers (as if they had just picked it out) ?
Thanks so much for supplying so many different designs. I'm still very fond of #73 and was wondering if you could provide the exact same design only with a few different text fonts. I'm also interested to see what black type would look like. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your designs. I have picked a winner but unfortunately your design #73 came in at a close 2nd. I really liked your design, in fact all of your designs. The difference in the end for me came to the simplicity of the winning design. I think you do great work and I want to thank you for responding to my suggestions so quickly and accurately.