Thanks for working on my tournament! I really appreciate your time.
Entry #2 jumped out at me right away. I like the tighter feel of the font spacing of #2 more than #5. I also love how the leaves of the vine look like pictures and is grasping them. Great stuff.
A couple of ideas. Can we try:
- removing the slogan - move the vine graphic to the right of the words. - try a little less feminine looking vine. feminine may not be the right word, perhaps less curvy? may not be possible and keeping the "grasping" feeling. - i like seeing the concepts on a white background... can we also try dark gray? I don't think I'll use the I'd use green as a background on the website or on any printed collateral.
Thanks again for submitting some more concepts and working with me on this tournament.
I think we definitely moved in the right direction by removing some of the curliness.
Couple of ideas I'd still like to try:
- remove the slogan - flip the vine design 180 degrees and move to the right of the words - try some different colors in each of the "photos" / squares. one square red, one blue, one, green, one yellow, etc. open to different shades, just wanted to see what this would look like with some more color.