I like the design - it's bold, but I also think a bit too modern, almost futuristic looking - I'm not a fan of the overly blocky letters in the initials. Also not a big deal, but there's no "n" in Druker :)
I like #1 out of these the best, the initials flow together nicely and it's very crisp. I'm not sold on the font for the "Leo Druker." Maybe something closer to a "Helvetica Neue", or even "Lane?" I prefer caps or small caps for the name instead of upper/lower case combined.
Out of the new ones, I prefer #5 to #4 - not a big fan of gradient effects. I like the new font, much cleaner looking - I wouldn't have two different shades of gray in the name "Leo Druker" though - maybe just dark gray / black so there's just two shades - one for "Leo Druker" and one for "photography." Also I'd like the text to line up - maybe be the same width as the square with the initials. Either to the right of or below the square .. at least stretched / expanded so the beginning and end of "photography" line up with the beginning and end of "Leo Druker".
Very nice. I just realized how the part where the "L" meets the "D" in my initials almost makes a heart - not sure if that was intentional or not, but it's awesome. Love this one.
I think I prefer the thicker text in #22 to #26. Also, I would prefer that the bottom left corner of the rectangle not be curved - I'd like it flat just like the bottom right.
So far, really great work. Looking at them all, I still prefer #22 overall. Seems that rounded curves everywhere looks slightly better and more symmetrical than just in one corner. Overall, great ideas! :)
I really like this design (which is the reason that its stayed in the top 10 for 7 days.. :) but now that it's really coming down in time, can you modify the font you used beneath the design in #22? I'm thinking of something more closely resembling the logos ranked #1 and (especially) #5? maybe a very subtle serif font on top (I like the style so something close - maybe not quite as thick as you've got it currently)? I like the design, just trying to tweak it just a bit.
Also, can you do one mock-up where the square design is to the right and the text is to the side much bigger .. instead of top / bottom?
Oh - sorry to keep adding stuff on, but one more thing - if you look at the design of #22 - if you turn it just a bit to the left, the two letters almost form a "B" - is there a way to make that less obvious without changing the design - I like how the "L" and the "D" are touching the sides - as well as the "heart" that's formed between the "L" and "D" on the top - maybe make the upward curve of the "D" not go up quite so high? I'm not sure if there's anything that you can do that won't take away from the overall design..?
It's an interesting take, but I was thinking something like .. in the letter "D" in the original design (#523) - the line that's just a little left of center - can that not come up quite so high? if we just make it 'shorter' that might work - what do you think?