Many thanks for sending the option. We greatly admire your Results Resource Center, Cagri, Coreg, Skyline and Solopreneur logos. Can you send an option more along these lines?.
Hi. Can you send a version of #20, in highly stylized 'photo snippet' boxes with very highly stylized name. If you can throw in a nice twinkling light somewhere that would be great. Thanks!
Hi. Many thanks for your entries so far!! We're still kind of struggling because we cant't seem to quite grasp the right look... Could you please try something with the word Photo placed above the word Pet, with the word pet enclosed in multi colored boxes. The color pallet for PET could be blue, green and orange, with the color pallet for the word Photo in yellow or Yellow-gold?? Thanks again :)
... also, a color version of your "CineMats" logo might work. Or, a *serious* (non-comical), version of your "Movie Party" logo might work for us, we really like the wavy movie reel idea :0) ... Thanks again.
... also, a color version of your "CineMats" logo might work. Or, a *serious* (non-comical), version of your "Movie Party" logo might work for us, we really like the wavy movie reel idea :0) ... Thanks again.
... also, a color version of your "CineMats" logo might work. Or, a *serious* (non-comical), version of your "Movie Party" logo might work for us, we really like the wavy movie reel idea :0) ... Thanks again.
... also, a color version of your "CineMats" logo might work. Or, a *serious* (non-comical), version of your "Movie Party" logo might work for us, we really like the wavy movie reel idea :0) ... Thanks again.
... also, a color version of your "CineMats" logo might work. Or, a *serious* (non-comical), version of your "Movie Party" logo might work for us, we really like the wavy movie reel idea :0) ... Thanks again.