.. I do like the direction of #45. The multicolored cut-out letters with reflective 3-D is good :) Can you somehow better incorporate the word 'Photo' and add some Twinkle lights to kind of represent a camera "Flash" effect? Thanks.
.. maybe the word Photo could look kind of like light bursts from camera light FLASHES .. very twinkling and shimmery "Lit Up" with the lower case lettering similar to what you have but possibly even a bit more magical looking . ( A good dose of Walt Disney :0)
.. maybe the word Photo could look kind of like light bursts from camera light FLASHES .. very twinkling and shimmery "Lit Up" with the lower case lettering similar to what you have but possibly even a bit more magical looking . ( A good dose of Walt Disney :0)
What I like about #47 is the increased brightness of the PET letters. However the font for Photo is kinda a wrong turn for me. The twinkle lights are probably workable. The lower image reflection would take too much space. --- hmmm. what do you think about a vertical spotlight effect?... I'm a little bit lost ... any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks :0)
What I like about #47 is the increased brightness of the PET letters. However the font for Photo is kinda a wrong turn for me. The twinkle lights are probably workable. The lower image reflection would take too much space. --- hmmm. what do you think about a vertical spotlight effect?... I'm a little bit lost ... any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks :0)
.. it occurs to me that I might have caused some confusion by the WalT Disney comment. -- I was referring more to the use of shimmering light, glitter and 'enchantment' rather than the more cartoonish effects. Thanks!!
.. it occurs to me that I might have caused some confusion by the Walt Disney comment. -- I was referring more to the use of shimmering light, glitter and 'enchantment' rather than the more cartoonish effects. Thanks!!
Thanks for keeping at this!. The concept seems workable -- I am having a little difficulty with the font for 'Photo.' Do you think a more contemporary bolder font might work? Also, could you make the font and treatment of the word 'Pet' a little more on the sophisticated side, a bit less on the 'cartoon' side. Many thanks!!
.. I know you're really trying :) .. seems like the word Photo is very difficult,. Just wondering if it can be arranged in a fashion more consistent with the letters below? Regarding the twinkle lights, the sample with 2 or 3 larger light bursts would be preferable. Thanks again!!.
This looks a little more 'tailored' yet still colorful ... Can we try to refine the word 'Photo' a bit more along this line?. For example, lets' try a yellow or yellow-gold color for the word Photo in some other fonts. Can we try some upper and lower case samples?? Also maybe a couple more light bursts "Camera Flashes" around the top. Many thanks!!
This last batch is a break through for us :) Looking at ranking #1 can we try turning up the yellow or yellow-gold color. Also thinning the Photo font a little. -- The twinkle light on the last O could perhaps be moved a bit as to appear more like a camera 'flash'.
- Do you by chance have any twinkle lights that look a little more like camera flashes and a little less 'planetary' - Let's try the light flashes a little larger ..
- Regarding the twinkle lights, we need something 'prettier' please. Maybe the style you used in your 'Arglle Dental' or 'Weddell Dentistry' logos?. - Lets try turning up the yellow color on the word 'photo',. something very similar to the color used by Logo Tournament for their 1st place trophy, can you sample that color?. - Please place the third twinkle light (the one below the O) somewhere along the top side of the 'photo' letters, maybe around the letter 'T'. - Reduce the size of the word 'photo' just a little. - Regarding the tag line, lets try the Ariel font, bold, and just a little larger size font. Thanks very, very much!!
Hi. If possible, can you make the twinkle lights look more like "lights", .. someone said they kind of look just a little like bullet holes, -- I'm not sure what causes this, but I do see it now they mention it ... otherwise we're really happy with the logo development ... Thanks again!!
Hi. If we can work a bit on the word "photo", and bump up a step, we should be good-to-go :) Can we try the following;
- Let's see how it looks without the twinkle lights. - Please increase the yellow tone on the word 'photo' to a level similar to the color Logo tournament uses on their 'gold' trophy, (much more bright yellow). - We need to try some different effects on the word 'photo' for example, beveled edge, 3-d, diamond?? It should still look very,very shiny and glossy but with a different finish.. - Reduce the font size of 'photo' to balance better. If this cannot be done, Please slightly increase the size of the PET image.
.. We noticed that placing a heavy white border around an image and then placing the heavier 'light' effect in sync with the curvature and finish seems to covey a more 'authentic looking' light effect. If possible can you send a version that includes this. (this would be in addition to the previous post). ... sorry this is so difficult, we appreciate your work :0) Thanks!
Hi. Just got the new samples. -- Sorry if I confused you with all the prior comments. But we aren't looking to drastically change anything, we just want to tweak what you've already sent.., just a little. We like what you've sent and expect it will be workable.
I'll send a few 'minor' requests in a few minutes.
We like the extra yellow :) Can you add back the 'shinny' effect 'photo' and very slightly move the 'pet' and tag line image to the right in order to better center the levels. Thanks!
Okay, I think we're done :) Regarding entry #148 ranked #1, I'm going to have my media guy look at this today or tomorrow to confirm everything. Please stand-by .. we should be good-to-go
Hi. .. our contest is almost over and we're pleased to confirm that we will be selecting your work #1 top ranked. Thank you for working so hard on this, your good work is much appreciated!.
In my groups comments, we have just one tiny-tiny request. -- This should only be done if it doesn't affect anything else. If you could sharpen the tag line letters a little because some are looking a little fuzzy.. That's it...
Again, please only do this if it doesn't effect anything else on the current logo.