The mosaic is very creative!!! And, we like the color scheme and that the word Phos is the biggest. Here are a couple things to add that may help...
• We would like to see a lantern logo... not an old, dusty lantern, though. Instead, a lantern that is lit. The logo that wins will MOST LIKELY BE A LANTERN.
• We are looking for a logo that isn't dominated by the cross image. The lantern is a symbol of light and Phos means light.
• We are looking for a logo that can translate easily into black and white, but that communicates well and warmly when in color.
Lantern is a good idea but what about a light house its a much bigger light and i know Im not the only designer you ask to do a lantern so im trying to think out the box God bless lol :)
That is a good idea! However, we are using a lot of lanterns on our church property and would like the lantern theme to continue in the logo. The best one of yours that I like is #91 or #123. Edits that would be good for us to consider would be some different color options outside of maroon. How can we make this logo look like it comes from a natural, outdoors color palette? (Our church property has lots of trees and a fire pit and many acres of land... we would like things to look natural, warm and inviting.) Another edit that would be good to see is a handle on the lantern. We want the lantern to be portable instead of stationary. Our church serves a lot in the community and although we have a property, we want to be light in our community, not just in our building or on our land. The Phos font in #123 is a bit too script-looking. We are hoping for something hand-written, scratched or sketched instead of a cursive look. Another edit to try might be taking the sun out from behind #91 and just using the light rays as coming from the lantern itself. I like #91's lantern, but think the handle would help it to not have a big block of dark color on top of the lantern. Making the light from the lantern central to the logo would be a good thing! Thank you so much!