We like your color scheme and fonts! However, we would like to see a lantern logo... not an old, dusty lantern, though. Instead, a lantern that is lit. The logo that wins will MOST LIKELY BE A LANTERN. And, we are looking for a logo that isn't dominated by the cross image. The lantern is a symbol of light and Phos means light. Lastly, we are looking for a logo that can translate easily into black and white, but that communicates well and warmly when in color.
Is there a way to show a flame or rays of light in the lantern so that if this logo runs in black and white, the lantern still looks lit? Also, the Community Church with lines to either side is nice and the Phos straight above it, but is there another way of connecting the image to the words (without making the image a letter) that doesn't look like rod iron... it seems older rather than more natural.
It is now judging time and I selected you as one of the top 5, so doesn't that mean that you can submit extra entries adjusting your image to my most recent feedback? Please let me know if I am not understanding this correctly!
Hi there! You are definitely one of our top options and your logo looks very professional and clear which we like, but we need to see a couple edits (that I mentioned above) in order to move into selection. Could you please send those edits soon so we can consider you?
Thank you... but only the designer with 1st rank can submit revision. I just want to let you know that you can still revise the logo even if you have choosen me as the winner. I will help you with unlimited revisions, and also you can have all the logo in all color variations you want. So you can don't have to worry. I'll do the best I could for you. So you can pick me as the winner or give me the 1st rank, and we can keep continue working this logo whenever you want. You can count on me
Thank you for sending your edits! Our favorites are #188 if Community Church were below Phos like in #142 and #182. Could you change #188 to have the #142 words of Community Church? And, could you edit #182 to look a little bit more like vines or leaves or branches coming from the letters? This is a GREAT idea and gives the natural feel we are looking for while maintaining the professional look! Also, after editing #182 in that way, could we see it with color... maybe little green leaves off the vines with either black or brown vines/letters? Seeing both would help a lot.
Oh! There's one more thing! Could the vines be a little longer on the right than they currently are? I am hoping you'll be able to center the word Phos over Community Church!
thanks for your great feedback, i was upload my new submission on branch version.. If there's anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. please wait for the vines version.. maybe 30 minutes :D
a designer launch a logo court for my branch design.. so.. now i just use the vines.. but i remember something... John 15 : 5 "im the vine ; you are the branches. if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear a fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" that's word behind my concept. hope you like it
Thank you for all of your help! You are doing great work!
#201 is our favorite one that you have designed. We don't like the birds, but we do like the vines. We also like the lantern on #201. However, could you make these edits:
• Center the words "Community Church" under the word "Phos" and lower community church a little to provide more space between the two lines of font.
• Can you color the leaves green on #201? We like the words being black, but the leaves green.
• Would it be alright to remove some vines? They are making the logo more complex than we would like. Phos and the lantern are the most important part of the logo. The vines are secondary and shouldn't be taking up as much space as they are, if that is okay!