"Fun" is subjective. But every design has a "feel" to it. IMO, yours is clean and professional. You could exchange Phil Dorante for PGA Tour or Microsot and the design still works. How you interpret the request for a design that reflects the brand, or in this case, the individual, is up to you. In the description, I say that I want the design to invoke a smile or fun. He was a weekend golfer who liked to laugh, drink, smoke cigars and loved playing golf, even though he played badly. I suggested possibly using more golf elements, balls, carts, bags, etc. and bright bold colors and tried to convey that with the logo examples in the description. But I always leave room for every designer to use their own creativity to feel free to do whatever they like. I have found many "contrarian" designs that way. Hopefully this helps. Thanks!
I like this crest design. But I'd like it to be a bit more personal or perhaps a few more golf elements or something to make it a bit mor fun. Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks!
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