Hi I just came too late in your contest so thats not a hundred percent but you can see the concept. Just drop me a feedback if you would like some changes . Thanks
Can you drop the star at the bottom of 179, and then provide that as well as a black and white version of that? I want to see what it will look like when we have to send that out for 2 color printing when that is the only available option.
I'm guessing you are doing the Red / Orange blend thing as a tribute to Fall and harvest - ties with the grain, I get it. I think the color blur is kind of distracting me though. Can you maybe try one color scheme for the cloak, and one for the face? I am moving you in to first so that you will be able to submit.
Sorry about the delay I was on my way , so I've tried a few color variations please check it out and if you like one of these I will refine more. Thankl You.
I believe that I will select the other design to win the contest. I am still interested in purchasing this design though if that is an option you are open to. With beer, there can always be more than one logo.
You should choose the winner first then you can PM me and we can make a deal if you wish , if not that's not a problem I'll take this to my T-Shirt shop :) Thanks for the good feedbacks anyway, that was a nice contest.