Hey still really like this but can you try make a couple slight changes? If you can send me your email address I’ll send you a couple of screenshots. Just for the colour scheme and remove the main leaf in the centre of the headdress. Cheers
Maybe more similar to the pictures I’ve attached for the hops and barley grain. Also could you please do a pastel color in the same theme. I’m really liking your work so I’m sorry to be so picky but it’s so close to what I want
Is it possible to make the leaves at the back of the head piece to have barley grain and hops in there in a subtle way? And with the coloring mainly pink and blue with a tiny bit of orange or yellow. And with the gradient can it be marbled or swirled throughout the image so it doesn’t have a vertical or horizontal gradient. In that first example of the skull I posted front on that’s exactly how I want the colouring. Thank you so much
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