#96: please try to give us another logo with different colors:
1. Keep face Black (correct chin)
2. SMILE try slightly curve (keep black color)
3. Phan tastic , (use GOLD/light brown color)
4. Cuong T. Phan, DMD, FAGD (use GOLD/light brown color)
5. Family-Cosmetic-Implant Dentistry (use GOLD/light brown color similar to the brief case on this page if you see it)
please give me a few choices of colors.
Also, the original color of this logo (black/blue), can you try DARKER GRAY for:
Cuong T. Phan, DMD, FAGD
Family-Cosmetic-Implant Dentistry
***Sorry for a lot of requests, but we need to work CLOSELY with you so we can make it our
#1 Choice. Thank you.