In 38 39 i used puzzles as fiance tends to be a puzzle for most ppl ...trying to convey that pettison puts together the pieces of financial puzzle for you
in #35 and #36 i incorporated a compass to indicate that people pettison show us direction in the financial world like a compass
#57 - Please change the $ in the P (inside the egg) to something that would imply protection. The egg covers "Enhance", but I want something that sybolizes "Protect".
Alternate egg: Please show the above and add something that would imply "Inform" (educate). My clisnt has a background as a high school teacher and wants this to be a diferentiating factor.
# 67 - cool! I see the keyhole, but what is in the round part of the P? We still need something that says "educate". How about a green apple in the P? I do like the key hole so keep it.