Hi I really like the concept, but is there anyway to make it more colorful? I'd like it to pop out a little more, but in a professional way. I'm thinking maybe brighten it up a bit somehow?
Thanks for the feedback, I've uploaded some colour variations using a bright orange and a lime green but still leaving the text in a dark blue for the professional look. (#7 #8 #9)
I like the modifications on this logo. The different color schemes are more appealing to the eye. You seem to have a good understanding of what I'm looking for so if you have any other ideas send them my way.
#11 Not too sure about this concept as there might be a bit too much going on, man and fruits/vegetables(healthy diet) on balancing scale chopped down to just a circle for it's balancing point.
These are exactly the types of logos I'm looking for. I made a long comment on the main page as well as updated the contest to include all colors. I'd love to see what else you can come up with now that there are a lot more colors and concepts to work with. I'd also like to see something with my name in black text and a white background.
I can't stress enough that the more crisp the image the better and that my target audience is in the higher income class. If you have any questions at all let me know. So far I like were you're going with this.
As far as the fruit basket/scale is there anyway to give it a little more variety? Color, fruit depiction, things of that nature.
Sorry didn't see your latest comment until I uploaded #15 & #16 (flat version of #13). I'll try tweaking the scale/fruit concept but it could end up away from the minimal upscale look.
OK I still like all of the ideas from you thus far. On the image ranked #1 can I see it with some minimal shading like the blue one had? Also I have asked a few of my clients and if there is someway to make the fruit look a little more clear that would be interesting. It took a few of them a second to figure out what the fruit was.
I believe its entry #33. Can u keep the circle the same but wrap the words around it and make "personal trainer" a darker color so its easier to see? Thanks.
Entry 33 seems to be the highest reviewed image by my clients.
Can we work this this one a little more. I'd like to see something with the logo to the side of the text. This allows for my diversity when the logo is on print. Also I'd be interested to see what the text/image would look like with some darker shade of blue involved, maybe a royal blue or something.
Thanks for all the entries, you're doing a great job!
Shiney effects will only generally look fine on the web/screen but on print/paper it is unlikely to have the same effect.
If on a business card for example you can add 'UV Gloss Coating' to specific areas of the logo/card and the rest of the card is coated in a matte finish to have a similar effect, but it's not done on thinner paper like letterheads etc. Example #33 gets printed as it is on card, then only the circle and text is coated in UV gloss (which is transparent and has a slightly raised appearance) and the rest is coated in a transparent matte finish.
#64 shinier version of #33 #65 was just experimenting but unlikely to work on paper. #66 backdrop change #67 warped backdrop to give it more depth #68 slightly warped the human figure to match with the backdrop and added shading etc. forgot to upload the plain version of this but it would be pretty similar to #67 except for the running figure.