(Entry #4) That's cool, thanks. I like the drumstick for the i - also, the one for the u looks like a timpani mallet, which is great. Can you please do some more with coloring so that the design would show up on both black and white backgrounds - this is because it will also go on t-shirts/caps that are generally black/white for us. Also, if gold could be worked in, maybe instead of red, we might get a different emphasis. Thank you.
(4/5) Hello Sebastian, We were looking at your design further. We really like the mark and wonder if something could be done with the M so it matches the music theme a little more. I am just thinking out loud (in writing) here. In percussion we have cymbals (orchestral as well as drumset hi-hats), drums (snare/drum kit), cowbells, timpani, bells, blocks, etc. Maybe that will spark an idea. Thanks again for your design, it's really nice.