Entry #4 I like this entry, I might like it a bit more if we put changed the order of the words for more balance: dance music drama. I would also like to see a version in white that used: dance music theater (spelled the American way)
I like the white background but I also think it might be a little weak compared to the black. in most cases, this logo will sit on a white background. It might be powerful to have black or another color in there to give it strength. For example, perhaps a black band could go under the line and the words- dance music and theater - could be written in english in white...
Here are two modifications per your request. I did one with gray since the black draws more attention. Also, for an added choice I extended the bar under 'Arts' for depth. But it can be returned to its original position. Also Theater and Drama have been repositioned for possibilities. Thank you for your input, Sincerely, Tere
One thing that may help since I noticed the last revisions may not be your preference....If needed the gray type on the black can be white and the gray on the white background can be changed to black for more visibility.
Telegraphics, I think we want to select you as the winner, but feel the design might be a bit stronger if it could take entry #4 (ranked 1st) and make the words - dance theater music - and make them more visible (so maybe bigger or darker or both)
Thank you Rich, for considering my design!... If I understand correctly this one I made the correction and thickened the lines on the font slightly. Please let me know if this is what you are asking. Thank you once again, Sincerely, Tere
This one may not look like much difference but I increased the font line by .1 more than the correction and enlarged and repositioned for balance 'Performing Arts Abroad' over the tag line. I'll be checking on your response.