I really like 162 and 126. The colors for 126 we especially like. 164 and 163 don't quite work for us. The only problem with 162 and 126 is it doesn't show community (like you are trying to do with 164 and 163. Don't know if it is possible to reconcile this need.
Here is our need for the logo to convey: global community focusing on performance.
You dont necessarily have to include more than one person to show community - there are many ''community'' logos with only one stylized person. That way the design is less cluttered and more easily recognizable.
The person in #162 is also a stylized letter 'P' which stands for ''performance'' if you look at the icon you will see that the whole circle represents a ''speech bubble'' which is a recognized symbol of online communities and media.. The ''speech bubble'' can be made more prominent.
There is more thought and communication involved than just people in a circle.. The idea behind #163 is to include PS letters as people for Performance Support I hope that this is helpful.