Love the logo, but can the emphasis be on performance? Also can you try logo next to the words too so we can see this one and one with it along the side?
We love #32 and 38 Performance needs to stand out ahead of Support and Community. Would it work to have Performance larger and purple with Support Community smaller and yellow? We also love the 3 dimension look of our logo (our avatar -- see our website: Can you try to match that look with this logo?
This is Con. 101 is a great logo. I like the idea of a "compass" I'm wondering if it is possible to give this more of a compass look. We are also a global community. Don't know how you could work that feeling into the logo. We like the blue (cooler) purple rather than a red (warmer) purple, I think. Other colors are also ok. A bit worried about the yellow standing out enough. This is a different company than our primary company (hence why we have opted out of the blue and green used in our other logo.
Hi, Thank you very much for considering my design. I just submit some entries based on your request, hope you love them. Let me know if you would like to see any further revisions...
Love 51. Can you make the globe in the center look more like a globe? Don't know if it is possible. We'd like to see a stronger 3-D view of it. The concept is powerful but it needs greater depth. Also, Performance Support needs to tie together with Performance emphasized.
Can you bring the dept of color/"sharpness"/3D feel in #159 to #156. We REALLY like #156! We just don't feel that it's as crisp as #159..... Does that make sense?
Our understanding is that you can only submit entries if you are the #1 ranked designer? We have moved you up to that ranking so you can submit the changes we just asked for. Hope this helps!!
Greetings! Thanks for the changes. We are very impressed. Due to travel, we needed to extend the judging phase for 7 days. Sorry about that. We will be getting back to you around next steps shortly. THANKS for your patience...