Wow just realised how many different ideas you have come up with, impressive! We think the best concepts are #71 and #67, could we try maybe some green and black on #71? We also feel that the clock/speedo concepts people have been submitting feel slightly to motor sport ish, like them but #71 and #67 we feel work better.
WOW, that's a lot of options, thanks for all that work. We really like this now, its very close currently to the top spot. Could we see what #208 #185 look like without the flattened edge on the left side of the P in the logo? Hope this makes sense.
The only revision for the moment would be to try #208 and #185 with the PSC of the logo within a full circle without it been cut off down the left side of the P.
Love #225 and #221. Could we try it with the stork of the P from the logo been shortened. Also maybe try matching the PSC to the font of the company name. really like these, thanks for the good designs so far.