Entry #33 Would like to see the the part of the logo that lloks ike a "tick" have a slighlty shorter arm on the left and a slightly longer arm on the right so that it looks more like a tick, similar to your Entry #37. The weight of the font for "Performance Consulting" needs to be slightly heavier and all in black. The slogan underneath needs to be a slightly heavier font.
Entry#83 Would like to see the blue sphere in a slightly more royal blue colour (similar to the blue in entry79). I would also like the sphere to look like it has a bit of a shine or glosss or sparkle to it.
For the text "Performance Consulting Group" can you separate each word a little more so that they don't appear to be clumped so closely together.
For the slogan "results through people and strategy" can you move it down slightly so there is a slighly larger gap between the slogan line and the "consulting group" line. I would also like the slogan text to be in a dark grey color.
Entry#96 Need to slightly enlarge the font size of the word "Performance" so that it stands out slightly more strongly the 'Consulting Group". The need to drop down slightly, the slogan "results through people and strategy" so as it it a bit more separated from the line above (Consultng Group).
In addition can you then produce an additional logo with these suggestions but without the dark grey background for the slogan.
As per my suggestion for Entry #96 - enlarge the font size of the word "Performance. In regard to the slogan and the grey line above it, can you drop this down a little to create a slightly larger gap between the line with the words "Consulting Group" and the slogan and the grey line above it.