I'm really loving the colors!! For both of them. I also really like the concept of the actual woman in the design for both. But I'm not so sure about the wild hair, is there anyway to tame that part? For some reason reminds me of the Statue of Liberty. For the first design I love the font - but I feel it should be a little bigger/ wider of a cursive font like that, and I would also like to see "the bay area's premier baby plannerr" in there. If possible., These are all just suggestions, I completely understand if it isn't possible for my ideas to work. I just am very impressed with your work,and would like to work with you if you want to. :) Let me know what you think. Warmly, Ashlee
Would it be possible to make the hair brown since I have brown hair :)? Light to medium brown, and the hair piece I like but would different colors for it, I don't like the orange and green. And instead of the yellow line underneath Perfecting Expecting, can it be the pink or blue you have in the lady? And I'm trying to decide if I should keep the written fonts color black- or if it may look better another color: I'm not sure.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your work and help! Your design is my all time favorite.
Thank you for all those wonderful designs. When you get the chance do you think you could put brown hair like you did on #1 on #2? And take off any hair pieces please. I would like to see what it looks like, like that. And do you think you could use the pink and blueish/ teal for the words "Perfecting Expecting, The Bay Area's Premier Baby Planner on that logo #2 as well? Please =)))))) Thank you so much!!
I feel astonished that I've only gotten I think a total of maybe 5 designer submitting their designs, and I have only 2 days left. Is that normal?
i am preparing. for the head piece i put it to make more personality of the character, second to balance the character visually and 3- as a sybbol of fertility/ i am uploding