Hi!! Thank you so much for your submissions!! I really like your designs. do you think you could put my tag line in the the #34 design? And also, i'm really attracted to the colors in what I ranked #1. Do you think you could work with those colors too? Please? Thank you!! Ashlee
These are great!!! I love #37 that I ranked as #1. Do you think it may be possible to make the beautiful pregnant woman a little less cartoon-ish? Maybe ad some features to the face? I'm not sure, just suggestions...also could you do one with a different color mixture? light colors please Thank you so much!!!!
Hi Nat, So #37- my number one choice, I decided I do like the lady without facial features, so how she is #37 is how I would like to keep her. Can we work on the font and colors of the words? I realllly like how the other logo with the the pregnant lady as well/ dispute logo- lol I like the font for hers and I like how it's in black- I think for #37 the colors are too much for my liking, although after seeing it in black, maybe I'll change my mind. Maybe "perfecting expecting" in black and the Bay Area part in the light pink or teal you used with the lady? And I think I would like the bay areas premier baby planner part to be all in one row... These are all suggestions so please do what you can/ make your best judgement. Thank you so much!!! :))))) Ashlee
Okay, so I was thinking could you try and make the heart a little bit bigger- not too extreme just a tad bigger. Everything else about her is perfect. And then for the font, can I have a cursive font for the word "perfecting" a thinner swirly font, with the G having a nice swirl at the end and maybe a tiny pink heart at the end of it? And then I like Expecting being big and thin like it is, but maybe try a different font, I'm not sure I really like the one being used now. And then a thin line underneath those two words, in the light pink you used on my lady, and then "the bay areas premier baby planner in black as well- a nice thin, but straight font. I hope that all makes sense. Thank you so much for your hard work. Ashlee :))))