Entry #1: use of colors very good, vertical "com" very good, use of arch over name effective
Entry#2: Shaded arch very good, could possibly be more effective or appealing if shaded with the electric green, first letter caps looks very good, the word "central would look better with same lettering as Peo Quote Thank you,
Entry #3: Color Peo and Central in the same color as Quote. Change Quote to electric green, draw a fine line under the entire name Peo Quote Central and re position the word .com at the end of central in a vertical position.
Entry #2: use one letter style for entire name,same as Peo Quote, change color for words Peo and Central to electric green leave the word Quote as it is. In the arched icon leave the light blue and change the shading to electric green. underline entire name and place the word .com at the end of Central in a vertical positon