This is a useful process for me. Now that I have seen 30 logos, I can be a little more specific about what I want and don’t want. I am sending the same comments to everyone at this early stage.
1. Avoid clipart that is in the public domain – many of the logos I feel I have seen before. 2. Avoid communication cliches for the most art – or more to the point if you use one give a clichéd image like a ‘speaking bubble’ an interesting twist. 3. Don’t make it too ornate 4. I would like to see options using both serif and san serif type or a combination of the two – if it makes sense in the design 5. I’d like to see some things that are a little more modern and a little brighter than I indicated in my original brief
Entry # 25. The call out bubble inside the call out bubble is a little too subtle. You can't really see the inside call out bubble . But I really like the what you turned the O into a bubble. Can you play with it a little bit. Make it more distinct with colour, resizing, etc. Thanks