I am glad it is going in the correct direction, Please don’t hesitate in asking for color / font or any other changes. It also helps us designers when you start ranking the designs, that really points us in the right direction and starts making us competitive.
Would like to see some different fonts. 8 & 9 not so big on the rockers. Maybe some different shades of Blue and Green. Like the idea of graphic in the box like #1 with People Helping People under. Would like to see what the PENNY FOR CHANGE would look like if it started Blue and ended Green.
#15.. Nice Could I see this one with the "Penny for Change" moved up and a half circle of people holding hands to complete the circle around the globe.
#20 Move the Penny for Change to the very top above the people holding hands and change the style of people holding hands like the ones that circle the globe in eariler entries.