hey we like were this is going! lets go with blonde hair and maybe some different poses with the girl. i will get the group together tonight and review these as well as any new ones you have submitted. thanks!!!!
Hey its looking good. The guys will get together tonight to look over them. On Entry # 6 can you do one with the blonde with the background on Entry #5. Also can you make Entry #10 without the symbol.
Hey the guys really like what you have come up with. They would like to see Entry 38 with the P not connected to the y but still with a little flair on the font. They also want to know if you can make the word Penny a little smaller.. and Draft a little bigger more in contrast with each other.
Entry #18 they like it but want the girl from # 38 and see if you can remove the red background.
We also want to see just and example of the band name Penny Draft like in # 33 but without the connection of P and Y and the red background.
The last request was to see if you could have the girl from #38 standing with her in a sexy pose with the guitar...maybe both hands on it with a side view or whatever you can do....something they could use for the back of a t shirt.
hey thanks for adding that...we were wondering if you could give other examples of different girls...we like your design but some are not to crazy about the facial features of the girl. I am not sure if you can see the other designs that are in the top five but the guys really like the one that is ranked first by Rapunzel...We like your one piece so I don't think you need to change the clothes, just the girl. Not sure if this is possible!!