we reaallllly like this logo.............if you decide to do anything in the background make that image dithered so as not to be as bold as the logo!!!!!!!!!!!!
regard ,pennydraft sorry I'm late reading the email, I could only finish in black and white version now I'm making a colored version, if you will give me a chance, before the Judging process regard dani
black and white version is just a picture and layout, before the coloring process, I am currently mewrnainya Do not reluctant if you want the addition or subtraction best regard dani
regard sir if you want me to do the addition or subtraction in case shapes or color, for this design to be as you wish i'm welcome to it best regard dani
Still not digging the girl we would only need one girl. Not sure if you can see the other designs in the tournament but we are looking for a girl that looks like the one ranked first. We do like how she is sitting on the side with the beer and guitar. Also we would like the size of Penny draft to be a little bit bigger.