I like the logo on the left. It gives a good feeling of motion. How about some bigger and more solid text on #41, darker green and maybe introduce some dark blue.
Would it be posible to work on a more integrated version of the text and pictorial mark? No line between them, and using the P (you might have to make it a little more bold).
Congratulations! We really liked you design. There are a couple requests of iterations we would like to test on entry #84 before our final decision.
1. Pictorial Mark with NO SHADOW 2. Darker blue for the left part of the logo. 3. Bolder font for "PEER" text (similar to what other high ranked logos had to offer, maybe try a blue variation as well)
The more options you can give us the better. Thank you for your entries.
#184 and #185 are very good! Could you please show us those logos with diferent backgrounds (black and gray). We would also like to see the font color of #184 with a deeper/darker blue.
About the files you are giving us... could you give us both an EPS file and a Vector file... don't really know much about design but we were told to get both... I do not know if maybe they are the same thing. We'd appreciate some help.